Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dengue Prevention

There are a lot of cases of Dengue Fever or Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever these days. There is still no available vaccine against Dengue so here are some helpful tips to protect ourselves from the dangerous female Aedes mosquito:

1. Remove all sources of stagnant water which can serve as breeding grounds for these mosquitoes.
a) change water in flower vases daily
b) turn over all storage containers
c) stored water containers should be covered all the time
d) clear drainage canals
e) remove fallen leaves and stagnant water in damaged drains, roof gutters and garden
f) discard old tires, bottles, plastic containers which may be favorable for mosquito breeding

2. Eliminate mosquitoes by spraying water-based insecticides or organic insect repellants like Bgone(Bioneem) liquid concentrate spray.

3. Prevent mosquito bites by
a) wearing socks, long pants and long-sleeved shirt ( My nephew these days always wears pajamas.)
b) using mosquito nets
c) placing window and door screens
d) applying mosquito repellants like Bgone(Bioneem) lotion or spray ( I use Bioneem lotion for my one-year old nephew. I apply it in the morning and in the evening.)
e) using mosquito coils or electric vapour mats during daytime. ( My family uses the Baygon electric vapour mats. Each of the rooms has one and we also place these mats near the front door and also near the door leading to the garden. The mat gives out a faint aromatic smell which gradually fades the longer it is used. These mats are really effective so I highly recommend it. I think it's better than the mosquito coil because the mosquito coil releases those irritating fumes which suffocate me.)

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