Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Red Flags In Development

Here are some RED FLAGS in a child's development that parents should keep an eye on . If these are noted on your child, a consult with your pediatrician is recommended.


Poor head control by 3 months
Hands fisted by 4 months
Unable to hold objects by 7 months
Does not sit independently by 10 months
Cannot stand on one leg by 3 years

Does not turn to sound by 6 months
Does not babble or use gestures by 12 months
No single word utterances by 16 months
No 2-word sentences by 2 years
No 3-word sentences by 3 years

No social smile by 3 months
Not laughing in playful situation by 6 months
Hard to console, stiffens when approached by 1 year
In constant motion, resists discipline
Does not play with other children at 3 years

Not alert to mother by 2 months
No object permanence (or understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen) by 12 months
No interest in cause-and-effect games by 18 months
Does not categorize similarities by 2 years
Does not know full name by 3 years
Cannot count sequentially by 4 1/2 years
Does not know letters or colors by 5 years
Does not know own birthday or address by 5 1/2 years

* taken from PPS Preventive Pediatric Health Care Handbook

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this info. It really is helpful especially to a first-time mom like me.



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