Monday, July 20, 2009

Hepatitis A vaccine @ 1 year old

Hepatitis A vaccine is another vaccine which I need to give to my one year old nephew after I give him his varicella vaccine.

Hepatitis A
is an acute liver disease. It is most prevalent in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene. It is acquired through fecal - oral route. Person to person transmission is the most common route. It can also be acquired by eating contaminated or poorly cooked food. The Hepatitis A virus also persists in objects commonly found at home which a child can pick up.

Common signs and symptoms of Hepatitis A are fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dark urine, pale stools and jaundice.

Preventive measures are washing of hands after using the bathroom, changing a diaper and before preparing and eating food and vaccination which can provide long term protection.

A complication of Hepatitis A is fulminant hepatitis which is characterized by increasing severity of jaundice, deterioration of liver function followed by coma and death.

Hepatitis A vaccine may be given to children starting at 1 year old. A booster dose is given at any time between 6 and 12 months after the first dose is given to ensure long term protection.

Hepatitis A vaccine is recommended in subjects who are, or will be, at increased risk of infection such as:
1. travellers
2. armed forces personnel
3. health personnel (occupational hazard)
4. persons at increased risk due to their sexual behavior
5. hemophiliacs
6. abusers of injectable drugs
7. contacts of infected persons
8. patients with chronic liver disease

credit: sanofi pasteur

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